Invest in the Comfort Club for Your Spring AC Prep!

The warm weather of springs starts early in Southern California. March is the right time to schedule annual maintenance for your air conditioning system, even if spring doesn’t officially start until the end of the month. Last week was one of the warmest we’ve had in a while, and that was still in February.

There is no better time to invest in our Comfort Club, which is our prepaid maintenance plan for both air conditioning and heating in our customers’ homes. We designed the Comfort Club to ensure your HVAC system enjoys a long service life, runs into few repair issues, and works at high energy efficiency. Download and print this form to get started with Comfort Club membership, then schedule your air conditioning maintenance in Fontana, CA.
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Steps for Getting the AC Ready for the Heat

In our last post, we talked about the importance of signing up for our maintenance club to receive routine spring maintenance on your air conditioner. Most AC prep steps for the coming summer need to be left to the professional HVAC experts. But not all of them. You can help get your air conditioner and your house ready for when the air conditioner comes back on strong for the season.

Because we live in a warm climate, air conditioning preparation is a bit different. You probably only used the ductwork of your home occasionally over the winter on the few coldest days. Otherwise, most of the HVAC system goes unused. This can mean a decline and increase of dust buildup during the winter and a rough start for the AC in the summer. These steps can make a big difference.
Continue reading “Steps for Getting the AC Ready for the Heat”