Why Do Plumbers Use a Camera to Inspect Pipes?

Before the development of sewer cameras, there were a lot of ripped up lawns. Without a camera, the only way a plumber could really know what was going on in your pipes was to dig through your yard and inspect the pipe that way. Now, we have cameras.

We Need to Get to the Root of the Problem

Instead of tearing through your lawn, modern plumbers snake a camera through your pipes. Now, your plumber will insert a camera directly into your pipes and can show you exactly where and what the problem is.

The traditional way of looking for a problem in pipes used to take days. Now, our skilled plumbers can find the root of your problem in a matter of minutes. They can also record the inspection and keep footage on hand if you ever want to take a look for yourself. It’s easy to see why plumbers use a camera to inspect pipes.

What Can I Expect During a Camera Inspection?

One of our favorite things about a camera inspection is that it’s quick. As we mentioned above, it used to take hours, even days, to figure out what was clogging your pipes. Now we can do it in a matter of minutes.

When a plumber comes to conduct a camera inspection, the first thing they will ask is where they can find your main sewer line cleanout. Once this is located, the plumber will open the cap and then insert the camera into the pipe. The camera itself is very small and at the end of a flexible cable. That flexible cable can move through the tight bends and curves in your plumbing system.

As the plumber feeds the camera cable through your pipes, they can see everything on a video screen. This allows them to conduct an inspection in real time. Which will give you answers and options in minutes. Also, if you think something is lost in the drain, it could be found with a camera inspection.

Signs Your Plumbing Needs a Camera Inspection

Your plumbing system is a complex maze of pipes. Without a camera, it’s incredibly hard to understand what’s going on in there. Because the average person can’t just pop open their plumbing and take a look, here are some signs you should schedule a camera inspection:

  • More than one sink is slowly draining – It’s very easy to figure out the problem when only one sink in your home is backed up. However, this changes when two or more drains are backing up at the same time. This could be an indicator of problems in your main sewer line.
  • The smell of sewage is coming from your pipes – The smell of sewage coming from your drain can be an issue specific to that line. The difference is when you smell sewage in your yard or coming from multiple drains at once. This could indicate something is broken in your main sewer line.
  • There’s a patch of lush, green grass – Is there a spot in your lawn that looks brighter and greener than the rest? Unfortunately, that’s not your green thumb talking. Chances are your pipes are broken and leaking water in a specific spot.
  • Your water pressure is inconsistent – Leaks in your plumbing or sewer lines can cause a significant drop in your water pressure. You should call a plumber and schedule an inspection when your water pressure takes a surprising dip.

For the Best Inspection in Southern California, Call A-Avis

At A-Avis, we take the health and safety of your home very seriously. When we conduct a plumbing safety inspection, we make sure to run a camera through your drains and main sewer line. Since an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, we want to catch any small problem before it becomes a big headache. We proudly serve parts of Riverside and San Bernardino counites. Dial the number at the top of the screen to speak with our friendly call center representatives or click here to book an appointment online.